
La calle encuentra sus propios usos para las cosas. William Gibson

so many links, so little time...



ha llegado la primavera!!!

# sección /., vía esta noticia llego a los troll del ciberespacio. ooohhh!!! ya saben: i love the net.

# interesante y muy recomendable el blog de Robin Hamman, cybersoc.com. esta semana tiene "bloguerxs invitadxs" y por el momento me "quedo" con lo que dice Matthew Allen en su entrada - internet research -,
"In 2004, the AoIR Conference was themed ‘Ubiquity?’, pondering the degree to which network access might be everywhere, all the time and the consequences thereof. I think that 2005, Internet research was marked by increased acknowledgment that the reality of ‘Internet everywhere’ is different to what some corporations might have us believe. Ubiquity is not a case of wireless technologies (even though, in many parts of the world wireless access is now much more significant, either directly or through mobile telephony networks), nor of the multiplication of devices that hook up to the Internet (even though manufacturers continue to develop such products). Rather, as is emerging in many scholars’ work, the Internet is everywhere because of the interaction between the social connectivity of the world offline and the world online. In other words, the Internet is everywhere precisely because it is not artificially distinct from the everyday places in which people live. Put bluntly, there is no ‘cyberspace’. No doubt, over the next year, research will continue that, rather than locating people in or not in cyberspace, imagines the Internet as simply a visible sign of, and perhaps a key motive force behind, the increasing networking of society. Cyberspace might then again become a term, rather like Haraway’s long-established notion of the cyborg (A Cyborg Manifesto, 1991), which focuses our attention on the instability of essential human identities in a world of network informatics"

las negritas son de Allen pero personalmente yo las "ennegrecería" aún más :)

# el "pogüerpoin" es un invento del diablo, siempre lo dicho, no sólo que proceda de "hasecorp" lo convierte en objetivo de mis críticas, también ese afán por hacerlo protagonista de muchos de los momentos más tediosos de la existencia humana. bien, pues a mis "fobias" :) únanle, vía el interesantísimo tomorrow's professor blog, esta magnífica argumentación the perils of powerpoint, continuada por esta otra, death by powerpoint.

# vía antrhopologi.info, Fieldwork as cab-driver: "An amazing other world". la noticia original: "Cab-driving anthropologist culls life's underbelly for book ideas". el libro "yellow cab" - Robert Leonard -



* Lo vi hace unos meses pero por entonces no me tomaba esto muy en serio :) -afortunadamente he cambiado!!! :DDD bueno, el caso es que lo he vuelto a "ver" en un post de un tipo muy inquieto, Jeremy Hunsinger (Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Virginia Tech o su adorable blog - no me digan que la foto de "cabecera" no es maravillosa, uuuhhhmmm!!! si "coloco" una de ese estilo en esta bitácora, se notará mucho el "plagio" :) - too many topics, too little time vaya!!! una vez más encontrarán parecidos razonables entre ésa y esta, que ya es la bitácora de ustedes :) ... pero a lo que vamos::: STSwiki todo lo que puede saber (de momento va creciendo...) sobre Science, Technology and Society y además, podemos participar en su crecimiento!!!
"STS Wiki is a wiki-- a collaborative site that anyone can edit. STS is an interdisciplinary research area called (variously) Science, Technology, and Society, Science and Technology Studies, Science Studies, or (in Spanish) Ciencia, tecnología, y sociedad (CTS). Perhaps best described as a conversation among a variety of disciplines studying science and/or technology, it is one of the fastest-growing research areas worldwide; for example, in the U.S., three new baccalaureate degree programs at major universities were announced in 2004-2005."

* Quién dijo muerte??? vía lista de discusión LITSCI-L (Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts), The Mutagenic Arts: Adam Zaretsky dentro del monográfico de la revista CIAC's Electronic Magazine, B-i-o+a-r-t (literalmente, el arte más vivo que nunca :)
+ posdata: una revista fascinante, miren porqué!!!

* y por último, vamos con el "regalo" de esta entrada ;) The Access Principle. The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship - John Willinsky -
"Questions about access to scholarship go back farther than recent debates over subscription prices, rights, and electronic archives suggest. The great libraries of the past -- from the fabled collection at Alexandria to the early public libraries of nineteenth-century America -- stood as arguments for increasing access. In The Access Principle, John Willinsky describes the latest chapter in this ongoing story -- online open access publishing by scholarly journals -- and makes a case for open access as a public good.

A commitment to scholarly work, writes Willinsky, carries with it a responsibility to circulate that work as widely as possible: this is the access principle. In the digital age, that responsibility includes exploring new publishing technologies and economic models to improve access to scholarly work. Wide circulation adds value to published work; it is a significant aspect of its claim to be knowledge. The right to know and the right to be known are inextricably mixed. Open access, argues Willinsky, can benefit both a researcher-author working at the best-equipped lab at a leading research university and a teacher struggling to find resources in an impoverished high school.

Willinsky describes different types of access -- the New England Journal of Medicine, for example, grants open access to issues six months after initial publication, and First Monday forgoes a print edition and makes its contents immediately accessible at no cost. He discusses the contradictions of copyright law, the reading of research, and the economic viability of open access. He also considers broader themes of public access to knowledge, human rights issues, lessons from publishing history, and "epistemological vanities." The debate over open access, writes Willinsky, raises crucial questions about the place of scholarly work in a larger world -- and about the future of knowledge.

John Willinsky is Pacific Press Professor of Literacy and Technology at the University of British Columbia. He is the author of Empire of Words: The Reign of the OED and a developer of Open Journals Systems software."

+ texto completo listo para descarga!!! qué hay que hacer? fácil y sencillo...



The Future of the Internet
(vía tachnovation -fuente original The Blog Herald)

* Alice Marwick mantiene un interesantísimo blog Tiara.org -feminism and technology (una de las fuentes inspiradoras de esta bitácora... uuuhhhmmmm!!! creo que es fácil encontrar los parecidos razonables :) y obviamente cuando uno lee una entrada como ésta no puede si no caer "rendido" ante tanta "sabiduría" :DDD y además es una "famosa" bloguera!!!

* y ya que estamos de recomendaciones, no puedo dejar de citar el blog de red eyed, Antropología de las comunidades hacker. imprescindible!!! además, lo que es todo un honor para un servidor, este blog aparece referenciado en su "blogroll" ;)

* bueno, y para completar el "trío de ases" :p y en último lugar pero no por ello el menos importante, el nuevo proyecto de investigación de Adolfo Estalella, ConTexto. Escribiendo sobre la tecnología en su contexto (ahora que recuerdo, ya lo referencié días atrás, pero parece que por fin ha arrancado y merece una mención más :)

* Bibliotecas que bloguean (Norte América -2005- 245 bibliotecas "bloguenado" / España -hoy- escasamente 10!!!) Me quedo con esta pregunta -por lo que me afecta-: para cuándo blogs en las bibliotecas universitarias???

* Borges y las tipologías de bitácoras... oooppppsss!!! qué complicado es esto de las clasificaciones...

* Popular urls to the latest web buzz

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