so many links, so little time...
"The NEW MEDIA COLLECTIVE is an information resource and social network for and about people of color in the digital media making community.
NMC's goal is to build a community of individuals and organizations working together to teach and promote media education and literacy to the most underserved and misrepresented segments of society, while breaking down barriers to entry to the most underrepresented in both traditional and new media.
Utilizing online outlets like videoblogging, podcasting, blogging, and photoblogging, we can represent ourselves honestly, accurately, and independently to the world at large without the distortions and half-truths of mainstream media.
Digital tools and technologies will enable us to find our voices, deliver our messages, and tell our stories. Not only will we create and control our own media, we will, in fact, become it."
2006-02-26 2006-03-05 2006-03-12 2006-03-19 2006-03-26 2006-04-02 2006-04-30