. William Gibson
"Last Night a Dj Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey" by Bill Brewster and Frank Broughton* vía
"Creative Commons enforced in court" (el mensaje tiene fecha de marzo 16 2006, pero ahora mismo no aparece el "archivo", remitente: meroni davide)
"The first case (as far as I'm aware) enforcing a Creative Commons licence has come out in the Netherlands. The case involves famous podcaster Adam Curry, who had a number of pictures in Flickr under an Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike licence. Some of the pictures were taken by Weekend, a Dutch tabloid, and placed in the cover. Curry sued over infringement of the non-commercial and attribution elements of the licence, and apparently has obtained
web links:
no les he hablado antes de
nettime-l... próximamente!!!
Workplace. A journal for academic labor...
(Volume 7 Number 1 November 2005: Academic Freedom & IP Rights in an Era of the Automation & Commercialization of Higher Education)* hay a quien le "mola"
H.R. Giger, no sé..., me parece demasiado demasiado complejo... quizá? pero en fin, qué mejor icono de la "postardotransmodernidadacelerada" que su
alien... bueno, pues vía
katarsis "admirar" una buena parte de la obra de Giger está al alcance de un link!!! -hurry up guys!!!-