so many links, so little time...
"A struggle is ensuing to produce and protect what is being called the Knowledge Commons in defiance of the latter day regime of enclosures around knowledge and informational goods. As with the pre-capitalist common lands on which the majority of people subsisted, the idea is that we can build a resource, a life source, of intellectual wealth to sustain people within informatic capitalism.
But this endeavour is not without political, tactical and philosophical problems. In this first issue of the new format Mute, we foreground the antagonisms which the Knowledge Commons throw up.
Texts by: Gregor Claude, Yves Degoyon, Martin Hardie, Benjamin Mako Hill, Jaromil, Yuwei Lin, Peter Linebaugh, Aymeric Mansoux, Agnese Trocchi, RampArt Hacklab, Palle Torsson, James Wallbank, Steve Wright, Simon Yuill and Soenke Zehle"
"Newsfilm Online is one of the most exciting resources to be offered to Higher and Further Education in the UK. 3,000 hours of television news and cinema newsreels, taken from the huge collection of the ITN/Reuters archive, is being made available online in high quality format for teaching, learning and research. Newsfilm Online will be a gateway of unmatched richness to nearly one hundred years of news, from the 1910s to the present day.
Newsfilm Online has now launched a demonstrator website at:
This 'demonstrator' web site is making some fifty news clips (approximately one hour of material) freely available for downloading to all users. These clips are arranged by theme and decade, and we welcome your comments on any of these. We hope to add more clips to the site in due course.
The main delivery of 3,000 hours will be in February 2007."
2006-02-26 2006-03-05 2006-03-12 2006-03-19 2006-03-26 2006-04-02 2006-04-30