
La calle encuentra sus propios usos para las cosas. William Gibson

so many links, so little time...

he vuelto!!! no lo he podido resistir!!! lo siento... :p



¬ Text as Property/Property as Text - Christopher Kelty. más "conocimiento en red" en Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities

¬ Surveillance & Society

¬ vía Writing-and-the-Digital-Life, A Subjective Chronology of Cybertext, Hypertext, and Electronic Writing -compilada y editada por Stuart Moulthrop y Algorithmische Literatur. más "experimentación"... Idea Line.

¬ no lo había dicho ya? esto de la bitácora es un puto rollo!!! así pues, cierro este "invento"!!! algunos ya saben, al menos intuyen, creo! que lo que más me gusta en esta vida es no hacer nada -bueno, no exactamente, quizá sea no comprometerme con nada, o quizá dispersarme demasiado-, aunque alguno ;)) me obligue a hacer todo lo contrario. sí, ya lo sé y cumpliré!!! :D
gracias por sus lecturas y por el "feedback" y supongo que algún día volveré!!!
ciao! y un placer leeros.
si alguien me quiere encontrar que me busque en /. :jajajajajajajajaja




¬ mute magazine. culture and politics after the net.

último número... underneath the knowledge commons. vol 2#1.
"A struggle is ensuing to produce and protect what is being called the Knowledge Commons in defiance of the latter day regime of enclosures around knowledge and informational goods. As with the pre-capitalist common lands on which the majority of people subsisted, the idea is that we can build a resource, a life source, of intellectual wealth to sustain people within informatic capitalism.
But this endeavour is not without political, tactical and philosophical problems. In this first issue of the new format Mute, we foreground the antagonisms which the Knowledge Commons throw up.
Texts by: Gregor Claude, Yves Degoyon, Martin Hardie, Benjamin Mako Hill, Jaromil, Yuwei Lin, Peter Linebaugh, Aymeric Mansoux, Agnese Trocchi, RampArt Hacklab, Palle Torsson, James Wallbank, Steve Wright, Simon Yuill and Soenke Zehle"


* benjamin "mako" hill -"freedom's standard advanced?"

* martin hardie -"change of the century: free software and the positive possibility".

* yuwei lin -"gender dimensions of floss development"."

* palle torsson -"copy that floppy!" (the.pirate.bay.roolleezz!!! :DDD)

¬ reciente y muy interesante "librito", arte digital y vidoarte. transgrediendo los límites de la representación. -donald kuspit (ed.). 2006, (sinopsis, origen del proyecto: curso de apreciación del arte contemporáneo. sobre arte digital y videoarte. organizado por el cículo de bellas artes y dirigido por donald kuspit. madrid, 23 feb.-22 abr. 2005
y entrevista con donald kuspit. "defiendo la pintura, pero hay una revolución en el vídeo" -por cierto, autor también del reciente libro el fin del arte).

capítulo de mark van Proyen, "vídeo y arte digital. realidades virtuales e inflexiones digitales: la apropiación de los nuevos medios"... interesante contraposición -tópica y recurrente???- entre la visión "optimista" del advenimiento de la "era digital"(erick davis - techgnosis: myth, magic and mysticism in the age of information. 1998
y la visión "pesimista" mostrada por arthur kroker y michael a. weinstein -data trash. the theory of the virtual class. 1995... interesante muy interesante el engarce con las nuevas formas de mediación artística...

ps.- ctheory.net: arthur and marilouise kroker editors.

ps.- vía lista de discusión writing-and-the-digital-life, próximo libro de erick davis, the visionary state: a journey through california's spiritual landscape.

¬ vía lista de discusión "subcultural-styles",
anuncio del lanzamiento de Newsfilm Online.
"Newsfilm Online is one of the most exciting resources to be offered to Higher and Further Education in the UK. 3,000 hours of television news and cinema newsreels, taken from the huge collection of the ITN/Reuters archive, is being made available online in high quality format for teaching, learning and research. Newsfilm Online will be a gateway of unmatched richness to nearly one hundred years of news, from the 1910s to the present day.
Newsfilm Online has now launched a demonstrator website at: http://www.bufvc.ac.uk/newsfilmonline
This 'demonstrator' web site is making some fifty news clips (approximately one hour of material) freely available for downloading to all users. These clips are arranged by theme and decade, and we welcome your comments on any of these. We hope to add more clips to the site in due course.
The main delivery of 3,000 hours will be in February 2007."

¬ sección /., y tú? cómo llegas a fin de mes?



abstracto I

# Satoshi Tomiie 3D... ooopppsss!!!

# "el sonido de la velocidad. cine y música electrónica" (algo más de info)
cita: "La tecnología de una época es la mitología de otra" Dj Spooky en Introducción. Film Form/Film Formlessness, p. 13"

# the movie... by the simpsons! (más info). por cierto, lecturas ambiguas??? parece que sí!!! :O

# patenta que algo queda! creo que más no se puede decir!!! no obstante, muchos piensan que más y más se puede "patentar" aún!!! el límite? el código legal!!!

# FirstMonday
en el número de este mes..."In Google we trust: Information integrity in the digital age" -Lee Shaker
abstract: "This paper considers information safety and accuracy in the digital age using Google as an entry point. In doing so, it explores the role media play in shaping the relationship of information, privacy, and trust between Google and the public. This inquiry is undertaken using framing theory to guide a content analysis of the way Google is presented in New York Times articles from a two–year period ending in November, 2005. Analysis of the extensive coverage of Google’s share price and earnings reports leads to the conclusion that trust in Google is fostered in part simply by reports of its fiscal success. To the extent that this is true, meaningful public debate about information policies is inhibited."

este artículo me hace recordar una interesante "reflexión" que leí hace unas semanas en una fascinante y totalmente recomendable bitácora "docente"... InfoTech & Public Policy (asignatura: Information Technology and Public Policy; profesor responsable: Edward W. Felten -efectivamente!!! autor de otra no menos importante e imprescindible bitácora, Freedom to Tinker …is your freedom to understand, discuss, repair, and modify the technological devices you own). Pues bien, el "post" en concreto se titula Google v. Dept. of Justice: Why is Google being quite so secretive?... y el argumento es tan simple como inquietante... conoce google más de lo que debería...? bien, pues todo parece indicar que así es...!!!



"give me two turntables, and I'll make you a universe"...paul d. miller aka dj spooky that subliminal kid

# primera de "mitos"... [vía lista de correo Cyber-Society-Live] acceso a varias conferencias y seminarios disponibles en vídeo para "visionar" o "descargar" acontecidas en el Oxford Internet Institute -Oxford University UK-. entre ellas, la última impartida por sir Tim Berners-Lee: "The Future of the Web". más conferencias y seminarios "online", aquí (muy recomendable).

# segunda de "mitos"... [vía lista de correo CTHEORY] acceso a varias conferencias y encuentros disponibles en vídeo para "visionar" o "descargar" acontecidas en el Pacific Centre for Technology and Culture -Victoria, Canada-. el más reciente, "symposium on Michel Foucault's Legacy", pero no perderse ni a Donna J. Haraway ni a Paul D. Miller (joder!!! un puto mito!!!) ("cosecha del 2004"), más conferencias y encuentros aquí (obviamente, también muy recomendable).

# [visto en /.] "Multas en México a quien descargue música de Internet". pata, una razón más para hacer la tesis por aquí :p



# [vía Savage Minds. notes and queries in anthropology], PhDweblogs
"PhDweblogs.net is a non-profit initiative to bring together PhD students' weblogs from all around the world. If you are preparing a PhD, and have a blog about your research interests, you can register it here. We also accept other research-related weblogs, even if they are not directly connected to a PhD."
más info... (interesante!!!)

# esto va de antropología y universidad... [vía anthropologi.info], "Anthropologist observes native academics in their natural habitat"... noticia orignial en "News@Princeton"". novedoso? la universidad ya no es lo que era!!! :P

# y esto también va de "la universidad ya no es lo que era!!!" hoy en día no es más que un nido de rojos progres, relativistas, inmorales, nihilistas, blablabla!!! "Q&A: David Horowitx profiles the campus Left"" ("David Horowitz, The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America! -2006-"), [también leído en Savage Minds: Notes and Query in Anthropology] a considerar...
"Horowitz considers nearly all of contemporary social theory to be “some version of Marxism,” including “feminism, post-structuralism, post-modernism.” Presumably there was a pre-Marxist golden age of cultural anthropology before it was “destroyed” by such theories. Since he hates post-structuralism I suppose that the structuralists were OK. But many of the early Marxist anthropologists structuralists, so presumably even structuralism is tainted and we need to go back even earlier … I wish Horowitz would write another book telling us which social theories are acceptable so that we all know what to teach!" "You can go to Guatemala and hang out with terrorists…"

# y esto también va de antropología... Cicile among the Parisians. magnífica bitácora sobre su trabajo de campo entre los parisinos de Cicile Fagerlid. (fascinante!!! estar en el momento oportuno y en el lugar adecuado... las últimas movilizaciones sociales acontecidas en Francia...)
-el proyecto- “Communities in the Making: Identity and Belonging in Postcolonial London and Paris” is following up my thesis “Beyond Ethnic Boundaries? British Asian Cosmopolitans”, which is based on one year of fieldwork among second generation British Asians in London. One of the main goals is to investigate into the dialectics between the life of individuals – belonging, identity formation, way of life and worldview – on the one hand, and (imagined) community, social integration and cosmologies on the other. Put differently: How are the boundaries of “Britishness”/”Frenchness”/”Norwegianness” widened as a result of “new” groups demanding the right to belong in their own ways? How do individuals participate in this widening of criteria for belonging through production of cultural expressions like music, film and literature as well as through their ways of life? And finally, how does this widening affect the lives of individuals? These relations – between macro and micro level of society – can only be explored satisfactorily through an empirically based study of particular individuals’ lives, which I will carry out in a multiethnic environment in Paris from summer 2005 and onwards".



ha llegado la primavera!!!

# sección /., vía esta noticia llego a los troll del ciberespacio. ooohhh!!! ya saben: i love the net.

# interesante y muy recomendable el blog de Robin Hamman, cybersoc.com. esta semana tiene "bloguerxs invitadxs" y por el momento me "quedo" con lo que dice Matthew Allen en su entrada - internet research -,
"In 2004, the AoIR Conference was themed ‘Ubiquity?’, pondering the degree to which network access might be everywhere, all the time and the consequences thereof. I think that 2005, Internet research was marked by increased acknowledgment that the reality of ‘Internet everywhere’ is different to what some corporations might have us believe. Ubiquity is not a case of wireless technologies (even though, in many parts of the world wireless access is now much more significant, either directly or through mobile telephony networks), nor of the multiplication of devices that hook up to the Internet (even though manufacturers continue to develop such products). Rather, as is emerging in many scholars’ work, the Internet is everywhere because of the interaction between the social connectivity of the world offline and the world online. In other words, the Internet is everywhere precisely because it is not artificially distinct from the everyday places in which people live. Put bluntly, there is no ‘cyberspace’. No doubt, over the next year, research will continue that, rather than locating people in or not in cyberspace, imagines the Internet as simply a visible sign of, and perhaps a key motive force behind, the increasing networking of society. Cyberspace might then again become a term, rather like Haraway’s long-established notion of the cyborg (A Cyborg Manifesto, 1991), which focuses our attention on the instability of essential human identities in a world of network informatics"

las negritas son de Allen pero personalmente yo las "ennegrecería" aún más :)

# el "pogüerpoin" es un invento del diablo, siempre lo dicho, no sólo que proceda de "hasecorp" lo convierte en objetivo de mis críticas, también ese afán por hacerlo protagonista de muchos de los momentos más tediosos de la existencia humana. bien, pues a mis "fobias" :) únanle, vía el interesantísimo tomorrow's professor blog, esta magnífica argumentación the perils of powerpoint, continuada por esta otra, death by powerpoint.

# vía antrhopologi.info, Fieldwork as cab-driver: "An amazing other world". la noticia original: "Cab-driving anthropologist culls life's underbelly for book ideas". el libro "yellow cab" - Robert Leonard -

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